'Welsh Rarebit Croque-Monsieurs | Ep. 5 | Cooking Through Gordon Ramsay\'s Cookbook \"Ramsay in 10\"'

'Welsh Rarebit Croque-Monsieurs | Ep. 5 | Cooking Through Gordon Ramsay\'s Cookbook \"Ramsay in 10\"'
13:59 Jan 11, 2024
'In our FIFTH episode of our challenge, (I CAN\'T BELIEVE WE MADE IT TO #5!) we made Gordon Ramsay\'s Welsh Rarebit Croque-Monsieurs (or how we call it - a fancy egg bacon sandwich!), from his cookbook \"Ramsay in 10.\" While the name sounds fancy, this meal ended up tasting rich and delicious. It did taste a lot like an egg bacon sandwich, but just with more elevated flavors due to having more elegant ingredients than we typically would. Would you try something like this?   Please LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE so you can be notified each time we make a new recipe! ___________________________________________________________________________________________  Welcome to our Kitchen! We\'ve decided to cook through Gordon Ramsay\'s \"Ramsay in 10\" cookbook! The catch is - Steph doesn\'t know how to cook and Ozzie doesn\'t like to follow recipes!! We wanted to challenge ourselves to learn something completely new to us. We love watching Gordon Ramsay\'s many shows and were inspired by his YouTube series that he made with his family during quarantine, where he came up with meals that he could make in 10 minutes. So we decided to pick up this cookbook, and give them a try ourselves!   Now, Ramsay does explain that new cooks, and anyone trying these recipes for the first time, will likely need more than 10 minutes, plus prep time. So at the end of each video, we will share with you how long it took us to prep and cook the meals, as well as how much the ingredients cost!   So here we go! These videos are bound to be funny and full of lots of mistakes, fails, and hopefully delicious food. Who knows? Maybe we\'ll fall in love with cooking and become better home cooks through this!   Our First Recipe in This Series: Super Green Pasta https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdgEy...  _____________________________  Ramsay in 10 Cookbook: https://www.amazon.com/Ramsay-10-Gord...  Gordon Ramsay\'s Ramsay in 10 Series Example:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sr_mu...  _____________________________  Email: [email protected]   Social Media: TikTok: stephandozzie Instagram: @stephandozzie  #gordonramsay #food #cooking #homecook' 

Tags: Gordon Ramsay , pancetta , ramsay in 10 , gruyere , welsh rarebit , croque-monsieurs

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